Content warnings

A list of content warnings for The Forthenby Inheritance, updated as posted:

The following list is descriptive and out-of-context. It is not intended as an exhaustive guide, however if you feel anything has been missed, please comment and I’ll update it. This novel deals with heavy themes, as well as joyful but complex situations which are not intended as exemplary. The novel has a historical context, and this must be borne in mind.

Chapter One, part one: alcohol, violence, guns, unsafe conduct with guns, blood, reference to past corporal punishment, reference to poorly negotiated sexual encounters, reference to poorly negotiated BDSM practices, period typical attitudes to class, sexuality, and gender.

Chapter One, part two: minor injury, blood, violence mention, sex work mention, masturbation, fingering, oral sex, consensual whipping mention, consensual spanking, past corporal punishment mention.

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